Artistic director Ben Roberts, though not an official resident, is a key ambassador for the creativity of Britain's beloved seaside city, Brighton.


Bincho Yakitori

Yakitori restaurant
63 Preston St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 2HE, United Kingdom
Bincho Yakitori

"One of my favorites for lunch is this tiny little place. It's not expensive or anything, but it's good. Bincho Yakitori does Japanese street food. It can fit like 10 people in there. It's choice."


Brighton Pavilion

Brighton Pavilion, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4GU, UK
Brighton Pavilion

"It's kind of old-school and mainstream, but a lot of people miss it, so I think it is worth going into the pavilion. It is so beautiful and over-the-top, with beautifully painted ceilings and lights. It’s dripping with glitz, because the whole thing's built as a big, fun pleasure palace basically."


Morena di Luna

Art gallery
3 Adelaide Cres, Brighton and Hove, Hove BN3 2JD, United Kingdom
Morena di Luna

"Just up the road, Maureen Paley has opened a space in Hove. It's a really beautiful gallery open in the spring and summer, and always worth a visit. She puts on such nice shows. It's always worth checking in on what's going on in there."


Snoopers Paradise

Antique store
7/8 Kensington Gardens, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4AL, United Kingdom
Snoopers Paradise

"There's this amazing shop called Snoopers Paradise, which is like this huge supermarket of weird stuff. It's kind of brilliant. It's from another world. That's kind of a Brighton experience right there."


Afrori Books

Book Shop
Brighthelm Church & Community Centre, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 1YD, United Kingdom
Afrori Books

"There's a really great bookshop called Afrori Books, which is the only Black-run bookshop devoted entirely to Black literature in Brighton. It's run by Carolynn Bain, and it's fabulous. She is super enthusiastic, always bringing in new writers and authors. There's so many great things in there."

